Joining a support group is mandatory for this process.
My dr- Dr Goldstein, Fertility Specialists of TX, states that as men, they cannot comprehend nor relate to all the emotions and such that happen to us during the IVF treatment. He tells his patients about varying group options around the metroplex.
I joined the Resolve N Dallas group. The 1st face to face meeting I was scheduled to attend was cancelled. However, I've been chatting with these women and they've already given some good advice. One being to ensure I have this book. It's a very detailed notebook to track virtually everything.
And considering there are multiple meds, dr appointments sometimes daily toward the official transfer date, etc etc, perhaps this will help.
And oh yeah, very limited caffeine & alcohol during the process. I'm doing okay with this, staying within my 300 mg of caffeine allowed and I have only had one drink.
Yesterday was the 1st round of meds- birth control pill (say whaaaa??) and Doxycycline to control infection.
Did I mention I'm nervous as hell?
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