Tuesday, July 10, 2012

SonoHyst- a- what?

What is a sonohysterogram?

hysterosonogram or HSN is also known by the names sonohysterogramsaline ultrasound, saline sonogram, or saline infusion sonogram. A hysterosonogram is an office based ultrasound procedure that can determine if there are abnormalities inside the uterus that might interfere with pregnancy. It is important to have an evalaution of the uterine cavity with a sonohysterogram or other  method before proceeding with an IVF cycle.

This test involves no radiation, and there are very few risks from the procedure. Compared to a regular ultrasound, a sonohysterogram is better at detecting abnormalities on the inside walls of the uterus because it involves infusing sterile fluid inside the uterus. This way, the walls of uterus separate from each other and any abnormalities that might have been hiding right along the sides of the walls will be easily identified. 

10:45a today, this is what we are doing... the thing is, I already know I have fibroids, the determination is whether these bumpy lumps will affect a possible pregnancy... if so, then they will need to be removed. 

Good times, good times.

We will also be receiving our official IVF calendar at this appt- the schedule in how this should all play out. Dates, invasive procedures, meds, yada yada...

Alright, headed to my appt.

1 comment:

  1. Hope the appointment was good. When do you get the results?!
