Friday, August 31, 2012

Transfer Update...

Alrighty then... It's good news, but delayed. All 4 embryos are developing very well, progressing exactly as needed, so they want to wait and do a 5 day transfer vs 3. This way on Sun the best of the best is being implanted. The time is at 9a. I've read that 5 day has higher success rates, so we are cool with that.


Wives Tale? Maybe... But it can't hurt.
Fresh pineapple and Gatorade starting the day of transfer and continued for several days.
Hey, we've spent a small fortune on this, I'm thinking $5 on something that even Drs say "may" help is worth it.
Plus, I love fresh pineapple!!!

Thursday, August 30, 2012

The Heart...

It's simple really. A heart drawn with a sharpie. But reality is, it is so much more. It's the act of a nurse who cares. The marking of a symbol which means love and hope.
My husband has to give me daily shots right in this mark. That's hard for him. There is something about the fact that she drew a heart which comforts me.
She could have simply put a dot. A line. But no.
I love this heart.
I love that we are so close.
I love that even though it scares him, he is very focused on these shots.
A simple marking, a big impact.

Wednesday, August 29, 2012

Call from the embryologist

4 of the 6 are mature and are fertilizing. They are developing well in this 24 hours. They will not evaluate them tomorrow, next time will be Fri morning and if they are "ready" - transfer will happen around noon. If not, the transfer will happen on Sun.

There will be 2 embryos being transferred.

I'm shaking.

Retrieval Day!

6 eggs retrieved- awaiting call for how many matured and fertilized.

Monday, August 20, 2012

TMI... but it's my blog to document...

Side effects so far-
Bloating, headaches, HOT flashes and irritability
Nothing major, nothing I can't deal with.
My ovaries are def swelling up, I feel super tight and swollen.
And tonight, here's the TMI, I had MAJOR cervical mucus, we are talking serious egg white mucus. This is a good sign, it means my follicles are growing and my estrogen is pumping. But man, it was intense.

Dr Update-
Went today for bloodwork, Estradiol level is good. Go back on Wed for ultrasound and more bloodwork.
Lupron- 5iui
Menopur- 75iui
Gonal-F- 225 iui

Well. That's it.

Thursday, August 16, 2012

Twisted Ovary, yowza!

Twisted Ovary... eeeeeek!

click on the above to learn yet another "concern"
basically once these new meds start, it's time to be as stationary as possible since my ovaries will be the size of basketballs... well... maybe not quite... ;)

Saturday, August 11, 2012

Lupron - If I may...

Oh Lupron, thank you for the zits, the exhaustion, the bone aches, the mood swings and just the overall blech feeling I've had lately...

I'm trying to push through it all and I'm also trying to allow myself to rest.

You know me, I don't like to be stationary long. But man, I feel like someone has BEAT me up.

It'll be so worth it, yes, but for now, you'll find me snooooozin...

Tuesday, August 7, 2012

for me...

for me, I can't...
- get too excited or too upset, I must remain neutral
- focus on the $ amount this has cost
- allow myself to get wrapped in the negativity
- spend too long in the baby aisle
- imagine doing this without support
- decide who all should be let in on this journey
- believe some people would shun pregnant friends out of jealousy
- read quite a few blogs because they piss me off
- still believe I am giving myself a shot every single morning
- allow too many days pass without writing
- believe we are really here, really doing this

Monday, August 6, 2012

Cooperating Ovary, we thank you!!!

We went in at 8a this am "ready" for a cyst aspiration, lo and behold, the cyst has vanished on its own and no need! Wahooooo! I have the best RN, even she gave a wahoooo and said I LOVE being able to give good news!

My hubby had positive thinking the entire weekend and it paid off.

Today is definitely a day to be grateful.

Now we will get a new calendar and kick this process back into mode.


Friday, August 3, 2012


and we have suppression.
and we still have a cyst.
and we will know today about cyst aspiration date.
and I have been reduced to 5 units of Lupron.
and the delay is about 3 wks.
and thats better than never.