Tuesday, July 31, 2012

estrogen estrogen estrogen

Apparently my ovaries, uterus and my hormones have a different plan for us on this IVF journey.  I have been to Dr G twice in the past week to test my E2 levels and see if we are good to go on the next round of meds and NOPE. I have too high of E2 levels and my uterus lining is too thick. Therefore this means I continue on the 10mm of Lupron and continue getting blood drawn and a sono every 4 days until the levels are correct.

I asked if there was anything I could do and she said nope.

Grrrrrrrr.... don't they know I am not a very patient person and I like things done on my time schedule. Oh wait, I guess this is MY body's time schedule, sigh... it's frustrating and of course, I want it done correctly, but I also want it to move forward.

Alright, well, I go back Thurs again, let's see what the results are then.

Friday, July 27, 2012

could be a delay folks...

Baseline sono revealed a cyst today on my left ovary...this is something that can happen with HS or hyper stimulation or could be a result of meds, etc etc.

Had some blood drawn as well and this will be the true indication of what needs to happen- whether we will be delayed or start more BCP or move on as scheduled.  Who knows.

Thursday, July 26, 2012

Sono E2 and Bloodwork...

Tomorrow I am scheduled to visit Dr G for bloodwork and an E2 baseline sono.

The sono will state my baseline estrogen levels upon which when I begin the Menopur and Gonal next week, another sono will state if my ovaries and such are responding properly to the meds. Will be checking those levels along with my "follies" aka follicles to ensure they are rapidly producing as well...

Will let you know the results...

Sweet dreams are "not" made of these...

Dream= triplets.
I'm scared.

Monday, July 23, 2012

because what I really want...

what I really want...

  • someone to call me mom
  • someone to teach how to read
  • someone whose tears only we can soothe
  • someone whose hand we each hold walking through the park
  • someone to show how beautiful it can be to help others
  • someone to make funny faces with
  • someone to teach how to swim
  • someone we allow to be full of imagination
  • someone whose cheeks I can kiss
  • someone to pout at me when I teach them right from wrong
  • someone to sing loudly from the back in a carseat
  • someone to love so much and so unconditionally

and the deal is, it hasn't happened the way we planned, it may not happen with IVF, but one day I KNOW  we will have all of the above, somehow...

Sunday, July 22, 2012

I would SCREAM!

Clown enters room after Embryo Transfer (click for link!)

Say whaaaaa???
I mean, I am all about laughter and such, but if a damn clown enters the room there's going to be a ruckus! Hahahahaha!!!

quick timeline update...

  • today was the last BC pill
  • Lupron shot is still every morning
  • next dr appt is once my cycle begins, thinking around 7/27 - they will be completing an ultrasound to make sure the ovaries are ready for the next round of shots...

not my style...

I read a lot of blogs about IVF, infertility, AR, etc... some of which I find inspiring, some of which I find myself hoping I do not begin to sound like.

Negativity is not my style. Sarcasm, yes. 

I know this is hard, I know emotionally I will be wrecked.
I also know I have the most amazing support system around-
A loving, awesome husband who will allow me to go postal and then embrace me afterward
Friends who ask me "how's it going" and they really want to know
Family who thinks positive and dreams big

Yes, this is already a crazy process.

 I am already shooting up in the bathroom every morning and we have dropped an insane amount of ca$h, but each day I remind myself this is our journey, this is our story and no matter the outcome, we will laugh, cry and be able to deal.

Friday, July 20, 2012

Lupron Lump Photo!

It's nasty, it's hardcore, it's on my stomach!!

Day 3 of Lupron!


it's the hard "knot" life for me...

side effect of Lupron injection- Lupron Lumps...

Oooooh, do tell us more you say, well, alrighty!

When you give yourself an injection, you pose the risk of knots at the injection site. This is one of the main reasons for alternating sides daily for each injection. I most definitely have to do this because I get major knots during the injection. No worries, it bleeds, swells and then goes away after about 1/2 an hour. It is sort of like a mosquito bite.

Other side effects thus far- sweating! Now, I am a hot natured person anyhow and it's only 100+ degrees here in TX, so this added little bonus is just peachy. MORE SWEAT. Man, I can't stay dry, I can't cool down and I had a mad hot flash at the movie theater last night.

I am not complaining, fingers crossed this all leads to amazingness, but rather I am documenting this journey.

Excuse me while I go splash my face...

Wednesday, July 18, 2012


nothing like returning from vacation and having your 1st injection scheduled the next morning... yep, it has begun. Lupron shot #1 - DONE. I was quite anxious, but the shot itself was easy, no pain. Let's see what the effects are, oooooohhh!

and now for the technicals... stay awake...

What is the purpose of Lupron in IVF?
The first fertility drug that most women use in an IVF cycle is Lupron. Lupron causes the pituitary gland to release high amounts of FSH and LH (luteinizing hormone) for several days until its stores are depleted. Since continued use of Lupron prevents the pituitary gland from producing new supplies of FSH and LH, the amount of these hormones being released per day becomes very low after 7 to 10 days. The goal that we achieve with Lupron is to ensure that blood levels of LH are low during the last few days of follicle growth, since we know that high levels of LH can lead to poor egg quality and stimulate progesterone production by the ovaries. A premature rise in progesterone may cause inappropriate maturation of the uterine lining and lead to a lesser chance of embryo implantation.

alright, well, that is that. 

Technically, Lupron suppresses the cycle, menopausal like-  so hot flashes and such  may occur.

Oh Joy!

Tuesday, July 10, 2012

It's real... Like really real...

Okay so that Sonohysterogram is no joke. Ouch. Saline burns, it makes you cramp and oh yeah, it hurts. The procedure lasted all of 7 min, but there were some moments I was deep breathing quite loudly. Afterward, holy cow. Worst. Cramps. Ever. I couldn't sit comfortably, the nurse said "it's normal, take some Tylenol" thank goodness for Tylenol.

Results were A+, my uterus and such are cozy enough for an embryo to make a home, whoooo!

Then it came time to review "the calendar" (insert scary movie music here) WHOA. This is no joke. The timing, the dosage, 3 freakin injections a day. I'm freaked out. Not of the needles, but of the "timing" it's so important.

Timeline breakdown:
Today- July 18th birth control and prenatals
July 18th- begin Lupron injection, still birth control and prenatals
July 22nd- stop birth control
July 27th- appt for a Sono E2 to determine Lupron has begun to "work"
July 30th- Lupron, Gonodatropin, Menopur ALL injections!!
And so on... see cal below.

We also found out today that we have to do ICSI- which is the process of actually injecting the sperm into the egg.

The good news?? Vacation starts tomorrow and the RN said alcohol is just fine and dandy until 7/18 when Lupron starts, hallelujah!! I can have a drink or 5 in NY and not feel guilty.

Time to get packing!

Here's our Doc!

I get by with a little help...

Love ya, Erika!!

SonoHyst- a- what?

What is a sonohysterogram?

hysterosonogram or HSN is also known by the names sonohysterogramsaline ultrasound, saline sonogram, or saline infusion sonogram. A hysterosonogram is an office based ultrasound procedure that can determine if there are abnormalities inside the uterus that might interfere with pregnancy. It is important to have an evalaution of the uterine cavity with a sonohysterogram or other  method before proceeding with an IVF cycle.

This test involves no radiation, and there are very few risks from the procedure. Compared to a regular ultrasound, a sonohysterogram is better at detecting abnormalities on the inside walls of the uterus because it involves infusing sterile fluid inside the uterus. This way, the walls of uterus separate from each other and any abnormalities that might have been hiding right along the sides of the walls will be easily identified. 

10:45a today, this is what we are doing... the thing is, I already know I have fibroids, the determination is whether these bumpy lumps will affect a possible pregnancy... if so, then they will need to be removed. 

Good times, good times.

We will also be receiving our official IVF calendar at this appt- the schedule in how this should all play out. Dates, invasive procedures, meds, yada yada...

Alright, headed to my appt.

Monday, July 9, 2012


where we are...

Where we are in the process...

- TTC for over 5+ yrs
- determined that hubby has low motility and morphology
- hubby has variocele surgery August 2011
- surgery improves quality, however, chance of impregnation naturally is less than 5%
- IVF is the route all our drs believe is our "best" option - 65-70% chance
- 1st IVF consultation June 2012
- Ultrasound reveals I am ovulating, eggs present with follicles showing
- July 5th, 2012, cycle starts and so do meds- BC and Doxycycline
- July 10th- Sonohysterogram scheduled

Sunday, July 8, 2012

Each night I take this combo of Birth Control and Prenatals, I feel my ovaries becoming baffled...


...and this is the list of my "course of meds"

Understanding the Steps in an IVF Treatment Cycle

Here’s the short version of the steps involved in an IVF treatment cycle.

  1. Ovarian stimulation.
    Your doctor prescribes a course of drugs for you to take to stimulate your ovaries into hopefully producing 12 to 15 mature eggs.
  2. Monitoring of your drug response.
    To monitor the progress of your ovarian stimulation you undergo an ultrasound examination and blood tests.
  3. Egg maturation.
    Two days before your eggs are due to be collected you have a hormone injection, which triggers maturation of the eggs.
  4. Egg collection.
    You receive a light general anaesthetic for this simple, short procedure, and your doctor retrieves your eggs using an ultrasound-guided technique.
  5. Sperm production.
    On the day of egg collection, your partner provides a sperm sample.
  6. Fertilisation.
    The embryologist puts sperm and eggs together in the lab and, if all goes well, the eggs fertilise and early embryo development begins.
  7. Embryo transfer.
    Two to five days after egg collection, your doctor places one or two embryos in your uterus.
  8. Embryo freezing.
    If you have additional embryos suitable for use, they can be frozen and kept for future transfers.
  9. Pregnancy test.
    About two weeks after embryo transfer you have a blood test to find out whether the treatment worked.
    • If the test is positive, you have your first pregnancy scan two weeks later.
    • If the test is negative, you and your partner need to talk to your doctor and decide whether to try the treatment again

Saturday, July 7, 2012

IVF Companion...

Joining a support group is mandatory for this process.
My dr- Dr Goldstein, Fertility Specialists of TX, states that as men, they cannot comprehend nor relate to all the emotions and such that happen to us during the IVF treatment. He tells his patients about varying group options around the metroplex.
I joined the Resolve N Dallas group. The 1st face to face meeting I was scheduled to attend was cancelled. However, I've been chatting with these women and they've already given some good advice. One being to ensure I have this book. It's a very detailed notebook to track virtually everything.
And considering there are multiple meds, dr appointments sometimes daily toward the official transfer date, etc etc, perhaps this will help.

And oh yeah, very limited caffeine & alcohol during the process. I'm doing okay with this, staying within my 300 mg of caffeine allowed and I have only had one drink.

Yesterday was the 1st round of meds- birth control pill (say whaaaa??) and Doxycycline to control infection.

Did I mention I'm nervous as hell?

Friday, July 6, 2012

oh boy... where to start...

Well, it seemed easier to begin a blog and document all the madness that will surround us during this process, you know, instead of sending out a text each time something new was going on, a new med is taken, etc.

Lucky me, we have all of you to support us. I am of course, much more of an emotional mess than Lee, but he is very nervous as well.

The IVF process has officially begun. I am scared. I am excited. I am gonna be on SO MANY FREAKIN' MEDS!

That's it for now, I will update more later with all the "oh so fun" details...

- Ters